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About Me
J. C. Long is an American expat living in Japan, though he’s also lived stints in Seoul, South Korea—no, he’s not an Army brat; he’s an English teacher. He is also quite passionate about Welsh corgis and is convinced that anyone who does not like them is evil incarnate. His dramatic streak comes from his lifelong involvement in theater. After living in several countries aside from the United States, J. C. is convinced that love is love, no matter where you are, and is determined to write stories that demonstrate exactly that.
His favorite things in the world are pictures of corgis, writing, and Korean food (not in that order… okay, in that order). J. C. spends his time not writing thinking about writing, coming up with new characters, attending Big Bang concerts, and wishing he were writing. The best way to get him to write faster is to motivate him with corgi pictures. Yes, that is a veiled hint.
My Books
Unzipped Shorts
Hong Kong Nights
A Matter of Justice
Gabe Maxfield Mysteries
Palm Trees and Paparazzi
broadway boys
tracers universe
Short Stories
"Magical Boys Just Wanna Have Fun"
"Zero Hour"
In the Anthology Into the Mystic
"A Most Unusual Kidnapping"