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Pierce: Hello, everyone, this is Garrett Pierce with Gay Honolulu Magazine! Today we’re sitting down with Grace Park of Paradise Investigations to chat about her handsome—and gay—partner, Gabe Maxfield. Thank you for joining us, Grace.


Grace: I’m pleased to be here. I’d be happier if we were here to talk about me, of course, but I’ll take what I can get.


Pierce: First and foremost, I have to say that I hope Mr. Maxfield is doing alright? When he told us he was too sick to do the interview you can imagine how worried we were.


Grace: Oh don’t worry, I’m sure he’s going to make a rapid and miraculous recovery.


Pierce: Good, good. Alright, well, let’s get to the questions! I know this is something plenty of our readers here at Gay Honolulu are going to want to know, so I’ll ask it first: is Mr. Maxfield single?


Grace: Gabe made me promise not to talk about his personal life. However, if someone told you that there may or may not be a gorgeous police officer in his life, they would be correct. About the “may be” part. There is, you see.


Pierce: Would this be Detective Maka Kekoa of Honolulu PD?


Grace: I will neither confirm nor deny this. Actually, I’ll not be denying it. Take that for what it’s worth.


Pierce: Okay, then. Next question: what would you say is Gabe’s best attribute?


Grace: His best attribute? That’s a tough one. He has such few good attributes. I’m kidding, I promise. I’d say his best attribute is his loyalty. If you earn Gabe’s friendship, he would do anything for you—absolutely anything.


Pierce: What about his worst attribute?


Grace: That’s easy. He has without a doubt the absolute worst taste in men. There was this time in college that he dated this guy that was really into puppet shows. How creepy is that?


Pierce: Yeah, that is pretty weird. Okay, let’s move on to the next question. Boxers or briefs?


Grace: I think boxers are pretty comfortable to sleep in. Of course, I’ve never really worn briefs before…


Pierce: Not you. Gabe. Is he a boxers or briefs kind of guy?


Grace: Oh. Briefs, I’m pretty sure. Not that I’ve ever paid that much attention.


Pierce: Yeah, sorry. We wrote these questions when we thought Gabe would actually be doing the interview. I guess the top or bottom question is out the window.


Grace: Ew, gross. Yes. I don’t want to think about my friend having sex. Although if I had to guess I’d say bottom. Maybe vers bottom? Definitely something to do with bottoming.


Pierce: Could you stop saying bottom?


Grace: Yeah, I felt it getting a little weird.


Pierce: Yes, so let’s just forget about it. Let’s go for one more question. What’s something that Gabe has done that has impacted others?


Grace: Well, he did give me pointers on blowjobs back in college, and I’m sure there’s a few guys that would be very grateful to him for that.


Pierce: Hello, everyone, this is Garrett Pierce with Gay Honolulu Magazine! Today we’re sitting down with Grace Park of Paradise Investigations to chat about her handsome—and gay—partner, Gabe Maxfield. Thank you for joining us, Grace.


Grace: I’m pleased to be here. I’d be happier if we were here to talk about me, of course, but I’ll take what I can get.


Pierce: First and foremost, I have to say that I hope Mr. Maxfield is doing alright? When he told us he was too sick to do the interview you can imagine how worried we were.


Grace: Oh don’t worry, I’m sure he’s going to make a rapid and miraculous recovery.


Pierce: Good, good. Alright, well, let’s get to the questions! I know this is something plenty of our readers here at Gay Honolulu are going to want to know, so I’ll ask it first: is Mr. Maxfield single?


Grace: Gabe made me promise not to talk about his personal life. However, if someone told you that there may or may not be a gorgeous police officer in his life, they would be correct. About the “may be” part. There is, you see.


Pierce: Would this be Detective Maka Kekoa of Honolulu PD?


Grace: I will neither confirm nor deny this. Actually, I’ll not be denying it. Take that for what it’s worth.


Pierce: Okay, then. Next question: what would you say is Gabe’s best attribute?


Grace: His best attribute? That’s a tough one. He has such few good attributes. I’m kidding, I promise. I’d say his best attribute is his loyalty. If you earn Gabe’s friendship, he would do anything for you—absolutely anything.


Pierce: What about his worst attribute?


Grace: That’s easy. He has without a doubt the absolute worst taste in men. There was this time in college that he dated this guy that was really into puppet shows. How creepy is that?


Pierce: Yeah, that is pretty weird. Okay, let’s move on to the next question. Boxers or briefs?


Grace: I think boxers are pretty comfortable to sleep in. Of course, I’ve never really worn briefs before…


Pierce: Not you. Gabe. Is he a boxers or briefs kind of guy?


Grace: Oh. Briefs, I’m pretty sure. Not that I’ve ever paid that much attention.


Pierce: Yeah, sorry. We wrote these questions when we thought Gabe would actually be doing the interview. I guess the top or bottom question is out the window.


Grace: Ew, gross. Yes. I don’t want to think about my friend having sex. Although if I had to guess I’d say bottom. Maybe vers bottom? Definitely something to do with bottoming.


Pierce: Could you stop saying bottom?


Grace: Yeah, I felt it getting a little weird.


Pierce: Yes, so let’s just forget about it. Let’s go for one more question. What’s something that Gabe has done that has impacted others?


Grace: Well, he did give me pointers on blowjobs back in college, and I’m sure there’s a few guys that would be very grateful to him for that.


Pierce: I meant in terms of charity! You know what? Never mind. Thank you so much for joining us, and we’ll resume this interview at a moment when Gabe can actually be here.

Pierce: Hello, everyone, this is Garrett Pierce with Gay Honolulu Magazine! Today we’re sitting down with Grace Park of Paradise Investigations to chat about her handsome—and gay—partner, Gabe Maxfield. Thank you for joining us, Grace.


Grace: I’m pleased to be here. I’d be happier if we were here to talk about me, of course, but I’ll take what I can get.


Pierce: First and foremost, I have to say that I hope Mr. Maxfield is doing alright? When he told us he was too sick to do the interview you can imagine how worried we were.


Grace: Oh don’t worry, I’m sure he’s going to make a rapid and miraculous recovery.


Pierce: Good, good. Alright, well, let’s get to the questions! I know this is something plenty of our readers here at Gay Honolulu are going to want to know, so I’ll ask it first: is Mr. Maxfield single?


Grace: Gabe made me promise not to talk about his personal life. However, if someone told you that there may or may not be a gorgeous police officer in his life, they would be correct. About the “may be” part. There is, you see.


Pierce: Would this be Detective Maka Kekoa of Honolulu PD?


Grace: I will neither confirm nor deny this. Actually, I’ll not be denying it. Take that for what it’s worth.


Pierce: Okay, then. Next question: what would you say is Gabe’s best attribute?


Grace: His best attribute? That’s a tough one. He has such few good attributes. I’m kidding, I promise. I’d say his best attribute is his loyalty. If you earn Gabe’s friendship, he would do anything for you—absolutely anything.


Pierce: What about his worst attribute?


Grace: That’s easy. He has without a doubt the absolute worst taste in men. There was this time in college that he dated this guy that was really into puppet shows. How creepy is that?


Pierce: Yeah, that is pretty weird. Okay, let’s move on to the next question. Boxers or briefs?


Grace: I think boxers are pretty comfortable to sleep in. Of course, I’ve never really worn briefs before…


Pierce: Not you. Gabe. Is he a boxers or briefs kind of guy?


Grace: Oh. Briefs, I’m pretty sure. Not that I’ve ever paid that much attention.


Pierce: Yeah, sorry. We wrote these questions when we thought Gabe would actually be doing the interview. I guess the top or bottom question is out the window.


Grace: Ew, gross. Yes. I don’t want to think about my friend having sex. Although if I had to guess I’d say bottom. Maybe vers bottom? Definitely something to do with bottoming.


Pierce: Could you stop saying bottom?


Grace: Yeah, I felt it getting a little weird.


Pierce: Yes, so let’s just forget about it. Let’s go for one more question. What’s something that Gabe has done that has impacted others?


Grace: Well, he did give me pointers on blowjobs back in college, and I’m sure there’s a few guys that would be very grateful to him for that.


Pierce: I meant in terms of charity! You know what? Never mind. Thank you so much for joining us, and we’ll resume this interview at a moment when Gabe can actually be here.

Pierce: I meant in terms of charity! You know what? Never mind. Thank you so much for joining us, and we’ll resume this interview at a moment when Gabe can actually be here.

© 2017 by J. C. Long

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