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An Interview With Everyone’s Favorite BAEsian, Mike Chang

By Annabelle Hutch


Originally featured at the Open Skye site here


Mike Chang lounges comfortably on the skirt of the stage, legs dangling off, propping himself up on his elbows. Annabelle sits daintily next to him, legs crossed at the ankles like a proper lady, trusty recorder in hand.


MIKE: I’m still not sold on the name, Annabelle. You know I hate words like “BAE”.


ANNABELLE: Look, the title’s staying, alright? You already vetoed “Gaysian”—


MIKE: [heavily sarcastic] I wonder why that was.


ANNABELLE: Look, let’s just start the interview, okay? So, Mike Chang—


MIKE: You could just call me Mike, you know, like a normal person.


ANNABELLE: No. You have name value, and I’m going to use that name value to get this on so I can—


MIKE: Yeah, yeah, I know. Long combination of jobs. Tate gave me the gist of it already. Just ask the questions.


ANNABELLE: [huffy] Fine. First question—who has a better ass, Tate or me?


MIKE: Tate.


ANNABELLE: Wow. Zero hesitation there.


MIKE: [shrugs] It was an easy question. You thought I was going to say you?


ANNABELLE: No. Okay, maybe a little. Let’s just move on before my feelings get hurt. Next question. Most hated cast mate?


MIKE: Come on, Annabelle, you think I’m going to answer that? That’s just rude to put in an interview.


ANNABELLE: It’s Donnie.


MIKE: Yeah, it’s Donnie.


ANNABELLE: The answer is the same for pretty much everyone. It’s Donnie. What about your favorite cast member?


MIKE: I get the feeling I really should say Annabelle right now…but it’s Tate.


ANNABELLE: Damn it Mike, you’re killing me here.


MIKE: Sorry, but don’t you want honesty?


ANNABELLE: No. I want you to pander to my ego. I know! Let’s play would you rather!


MIKE: This is going to end horribly, I just know it.


ANNABELLE: Would you rather have sex with Glinnis or make out with Donnie?


MIKE: Ew, Annabelle. I don’t want to answer.


ANNABELLE: Come on and answer! This one is easy.


MIKE: Yeah, it is. Sex with Glinnis.


ANNABELLE: Kissing Donnie or never being able to sing again?


MIKE: Why are you so focused on putting Donnie in each and every scenario?


ANNABELLE: It’s the worst thing I can think of.


MIKE: No more Donnie.


ANNABELLE: You’re somehow less fun than Tate was. How about this one, then: what turns you on more, a guys butt or—


MIKE: I’m a leg man. I love nice long, strong legs.


ANNABELLE: Dancers have nice legs, don’t they?


MIKE: [grins] Why yes, yes he—uh, they do.


ANNABELLE: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in your dressing room?


MIKE: Uh, I don’t know…


ANNABELLE: How about that time you tried to balance that cookie on your nose and toss it up like a dog with a treat?


MIKE: Hey, it took me ten tries, but I got it.


ANNABELLE: Still weird.


MIKE: Says the girl who I caught practicing for the Tony awards?


ANNABELLE: Lots of people do that!


MIKE: They practice acceptance speeches, not hosting. Can we wrap this up?


ANNABELLE: Okay, fine, final question. Tate—top or bottom?


MIKE: Tate made me promise not to answer that one.


ANNABELLE: Yup, definitely a bottom.

© 2017 by J. C. Long

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