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"Study Break"

My neck ached from being in the same position for too long, and my eyes had started to become blurry from all of the time I’d spent staring at the tiny print of my textbook. I rolled over and stared up at the ceiling with a groan. “I feel like I’ve been studying forever,” I complained.
“At least yeh look adorable doin’ it,” said my boyfriend, Fergal. I was sprawled out on the bed in his Dublin apartment, surrounded by papers and textbooks while he sat at his desk in nothing more than a pair of mesh basketball shorts. “Yeh look like yeh need to relax a wee bit there. Oi think Oi could come up with somethin’ that would help yeh relax.”
As much as the idea appealed to me, I had a lot of work to do. “Sorry, babe. I’ve got a test in two days and I’ve really got to study for it.”
“Studyin’ is all yeh ever do these days,” Fergal pouted.
“Well, that is why I’m in Dublin,” I pointed out. “Besides, the studying will be over soon enough.”
Fergal perked up at that. “Oh? When?”
“In about two and a half years.”
“Oh, fer fuck’s sake,” Fergal sighed, exasperated. He stood up and shucked his basketball shorts down, revealing that he’d been freeballing under them the whole time.
“Well,” I said after a solid thirty seconds of silent gaping, “I guess I could squeeze in time for a quick study break.”

© 2017 by J. C. Long

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