A Matter of Courage Pre-Post #4
It's September 4th! AKA, release day for A Matter of Courage! Here's the final post of my pre-posting artwork. Today we have the second...

A Matter of Courage Pre-Post #1
Okay, so in honor of the upcoming release of A Matter of Courage, I'm posting beautiful fan art that I've had done by an incredibly...
I'm Back With News!
I don't know if anyone noticed, but I took a mini vacation for the last week to clear my head. It was really helpful for me, I think, and...
Bringing July to an End
Alright, guys, we're well into August and I'm late. Sorry! Woot! Things are progressing as always, and I focused a bit on things in my...
It is Done!!
A Matter of Justice, Hong Kong Nights #3, is complete. #WIP #AMatterofJustice #HongKongNights #HongKongNights3 #Progress #update
A Quick Update
Just a quick update for you all! I'm 13 chapters from the end of A Matter of Justice (Hong Kong Nights #3). Edits on A Matter of Courage...
April Look-Back
So the month of April was a fairly successful one for me, if I do say so myself! I don’t have a lot of time to write this (it’s late here...
Another One Bites the Dust!
Last night (or early this morning, actually) I finished my latest WIP, a sci-fi novella called On Andross Station. I’m really happy with...