Big Gay Fiction Giveaway Spring Edition!
Alright, everyone, from May 22nd until May 29th you can access MORE THAN 80 great books from MM authors! Think of all the summer reading...

Christmas in May
It's pretty difficult to get in the spirit of Christmas when it's the middle of May, but that's what I'm doing right now! I'm currently...
I'm Still Alive!
Alright, everybody, just a quick update as I’m still alive and kicking!! I’ve been way busy with work and with writing. I’m making good...
April Look-Back
So the month of April was a fairly successful one for me, if I do say so myself! I don’t have a lot of time to write this (it’s late here...
Another One Bites the Dust!
Last night (or early this morning, actually) I finished my latest WIP, a sci-fi novella called On Andross Station. I’m really happy with...

Hearts in Ireland Blog Tour!
Okay, so below you'll find the information on my upcoming blog tour for Hearts in Ireland! I'm working really hard right now to put...
Hearts in Ireland Preorder is a Go!
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Hearts in Ireland is officially available for pre-order over at the Dreamspinner Press site! I'm really...
Continuing A Journey
So, I'm beginning work on Broadway Boys #2, and I'm pretty excited about it. it's a shorter project, being a novella, which makes it much...