It is Done!!
A Matter of Justice, Hong Kong Nights #3, is complete. #WIP #AMatterofJustice #HongKongNights #HongKongNights3 #Progress #update
Halfway There, 2017
A halfway point update! We're halfway through the year, and since I know not everyone goes to websites and such, I thought I'd give a...
And There Goes June
The month of June has been a bit less productive than I might have wished, but that's how life goes sometimes, isn't it? I did make some...
A Quick Update
Just a quick update for you all! I'm 13 chapters from the end of A Matter of Justice (Hong Kong Nights #3). Edits on A Matter of Courage...
The Devolution of Joss Whedon
Joss Whedon used to be able to write powerful female characters. This is true. He brought us Buffy and Faith and Willow and Anya and Zoe...

Happy Birthday, Mai Tais and Murder!
It's the book birthday of Mai Tais and Murder! I could not be more excited for Gabe and Grace and Maka and the other great characters in...
The Cozy of it All
About 3 days away from the release of Mai Tais and Murder! I'm super excited but also super nervous. I tried something new for myself...

Mai Tais and Murder Blog Tour!
Okay, the blog tour for Mai Tais and Murder is all laid out! Here's the info, and of course I'll be sharing links as they go live! 6/12...
Signing Another One!
I'm really excited to announce that I will be signing the contract with NineStar Press for my Halloween short story "Hula Dancers and...
Looking Back on May
May was another busy month for me (aren't they all?). I accomplished quite a bit, I think, though I did get sidetracked for a good part...